How Crow Intelligence is similar to a 7 years old Human's baby? Know here | Bioscify


Wisdom has evolved in many different ways in the animal kingdom. In so many different creatures we often think of our fellow primates using tools like sticks and rocks to get to the top of the intelligence list. Identify yourself in the mirror with their abilities. Orcas are also the most intelligent with their unique language skills and orchestrated hunting techniques. That these mammals are often carnivores who live in narrow social groups.

But if we survey the animal world, one of the smartest animals is probably the one that is suddenly an animal that is not a mammal but a bird crow or more commonly Corvids Corvids, who are Naughty players and very intelligent.

They use fodder tools and also throw nuts on the road for cars to solve complex problems. With the safety of pedestrian lights to crack them and then pick them up, they can also recognize faces and They can be angry at someone who has been rude to them for years. They can mimic the sounds they have heard.

Scientists have found that their problem-solving skills are counterproductive to a seven-year-old human. How is it that the old man is so deeply intelligent and how do we measure his intelligence in advance that the intelligence of a bird is the same as that of a mammal or is it completely different?

The Corvid family, also known as the Crow family, and includes the Cass Jes Raven Rooks and the Magpies, have different levels of intelligence between species, but scientists have found that the new Caledonian crow is the most intelligent. We are for the rest of the primates. In 2014, crows were introduced floating in a tub with various tubes filled with water that they could not fully reach in a test. When presented with a treat inside a tube of water and a treat sitting on the sand, the ravens knew how to throw rocks into a tube filled with water to raise the water level and the sand in the next trial. The tube is overlooked and presented with a single tube of water and objects of different densities, when the crow knew that the crow knew that with two tubes of water level, different water They knew how to throw objects at high levels in a tube with two level tubes.

These experiments demonstrated the rabbit's abilities in both problem solving and tool use for rapid water level treatment, and the authors believe that their skills in understanding and completing these tasks range from five to seven years. But in two other challenging tasks the crow did not perform well enough to understand the difference between a wide tube versus a narrow tube and the other was an anti-experiential task where the reward tube was passed through a hidden U-band to another. Connected to the tube, the raven did not fully understand these setups, but compared to tests performed on human children, only eight-year-olds were able to consistently solve such tests and use the tools.

The new Caledonian crow can make tools not just simple, but multi-part when given items that were too small to get food out of the puzzle box, by inserting a stick into another's hollow opening to make one tool. Combine the elements. For a long time, even a crow has developed three- and four-part tools for accessing food. And besides, we now think that crows can be better yet, we can imagine making plans for the future, the ability to take action now that will pay off later is something that most animals are good at with late satisfaction and planning. There are so many adults I know that require memory of our past and foresight for future events.

In fact, all animals can do this in a study published in 2020. New Caledonian The ravens were first shown one of the three puzzle boxes they already knew how to open each that required a special tool, then tested for five minutes before being presented with five different items was removed from the area. After selecting one tool and two wandering objects for each box and waiting 10 minutes, they were allowed to return to the test area, the researchers found that the birds not only chose the right tool. Remember to bring the tool with you to the test area in another study that will open the corresponding puzzle box but in another study the researchers presented the birds with a locked box in the same way with a treat but this time again the birds Introduced with a category in which the right tools some misleading tools and an instant food reward.


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